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Legal Education | Civic Rights | Pro bono public

Legal education and development support to children, women and community members to ensure their human rights. Encouraging underprivileged children, through financial and non-financial means, to join legal education in the top law colleges in India. Creating programs that promote equal opportunities for legal and civic justice. 

Image by Iñaki del Olmo

Crime and violence against women, children and underprivileged groups seem to keep resurfacing as these groups hardly have any mean to take legal recourse against the culprits. These groups lack both the institutional access and a supporting mechanism that might encourage them to take a long view of the problem. Ensuring that local communities are aware of their legal rights, and have means to protect them, can go a long way in ensuring epistemic justice. To this objective, Localism works with local communities through financial and legal means so that they can fight for their rights. Additionally, it uses research and public policy tools to identify local leaders and encourage them to take up the legal profession. Localism also engages in translating legal documents into local languages, and conducting legal awareness/training programs. 


Localism encourages underprivileged children, through financial and non-financial means, to join legal education in the top law colleges in India. It also seeks to create programs that promote equal opportunities for legal and civic justice. Localism uses nudges/incentives to encourage best civic practices among the local communities and strengthen the compliance of child rights and protection norms. 

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